My dd has her 2 ballet concerts this Saturday and has had lots of extra practices the last 2 Saturdays and every afternoon this week except today. Tomorrow(Friday) she has a full dress rehersal at the theatre from 4 - 9pm. I have to get her and ds out of school early so I have time to get dd's hair and makeup ready and get into the city.
Ds is also going on a Scout camp from Friday night until Sunday afternoon. He'll have to pack this afternoon.
I had to take a relative to the emergency department on Saturday night. She had some IV antibiotics and is fine now. There was also a problem with low sodium levels but salt tablets for a few days has fixed that. Her doctor told her to drink lots of water on Tuesday, but he didn't ask how much she usually drank!
My children finish school next week. They start again at the end of January. My son is finishing Yr 7 and goes to a new school for Yr 8 -12. Next week he has lots of graduation celebrations at school.
I had lots of early starts last week. My cat kept waking me up at 4.30am when it got light and wanting to go outside. I was going back to bed until 5am then getting up and doing some ironing before it got too hot. This week the cat is sleeping in so I don't get up until 5.30am when our alarm goes off.
I'm so excited. I ordered a Kindle from Amazon on Monday afternoon. It arrived this afternoon. 3 days from ordering to arriving on my doorstep in Brisbane. I'm impressed! Now to find the time to play with my new toy.